Language Workbenches and Model Driven Architecture

There's been a recent surge in development of tools that allow you integrate between multiple Domain Specific Languages (DSL) - tools that I refer to as language workbenches. Much of the discussion around language workbenches is very similar to the discussion around the Object Management Group's Model Driven Architecture (MDA). In my view the MDA means different things to different people - and this effects how we view the relationship between MDA and language workbenches. Certainly there groups of MDA practitioners who are using MDA ideas to build a language workbench. However my feeling is that the help MDA provides is partial, at best. A broader school of Model Driven Development (MDD) echoes many of these ideas without the links to the MDA standards - this is something that is very much in line with the ideas of a language workbench.

12 June 2005

As I was working on my article on language workbenches, an immediate question was the relationship between them and Model Driven Architecture (MDA): a group of standards promoted by the Object Management Group (OMG). This is particularly relevant for the case of Software Factories, where's there's been considerable dispute about Microsoft's intentions in ignoring the OMG's standards. (If you haven't already you might want to read language workbenches to get an understanding of how I describe language oriented programming and language workbenches.

You'll notice that many of the arguments around MDA are similar to those around language workbenches. Indeed many MDA tools could be argued to be language workbenches.

The Three MDA Camps

The first step in discussing this is to realize that MDA actually means a number of distinctly different - indeed incompatible - things to different people. Steve Cook described the variation as falling into three mutually disdainful camps:

  • UML PIM: Use UML to build Platform Independent Models which are transformed (or elaborated) into Platform Specific Models which are transformed (or elaborated) into code.
  • MOF: Don't use the UML at all but define languages and transformations using the OMG's Meta Object Facility (MOF).
  • Executable UML: Build a compiler for the UML (or extended subset) and treat the UML as a programming language.

Of these three camps the UML PIM and MOF camps are, to some extent, working on language oriented programming. The Executable UML camp isn't really interested in language oriented programming. This isn't a bad thing - indeed some of the Executable UML folks seem the most sensible of the various UML advocates, but they aren't relevant to the discussion here.

There is another camp, which is best to refer to as the Model Driven Development (MDD) camp. They aren't really part of MDA at all, since they don't take the OMG standards seriously - and MDA is an OMG standard. The confusion arises because people often incorrectly refer to MDD efforts without OMG as MDA. To be correct it's better to say that MDA is MDD using OMG standards. (I'll discuss MDD shortly.)

All this means that in order to discuss the role of MDA in language workbenches I have to examine the UML PIM and MOF camps separately, since the the way in which they think of language oriented programming is quite different.

The UML PIM Camp

UML PIM style MDA is based on the idea of developing a system using the UML as a 'Platform Independent Model (PIM)' first. (Although it isn't really platform independent.) Once you've done that it's transformed (via a Platform Specific Model - PSM) into code. This PIM is UML and, like a language workbench, the key source of the information is stored in abstract representation using the UML meta-model. Editing (usually by graphical tools that dare not call themselves CASE tools any longer) is done through projectional editors which render using the UML's diagrammatic standards.

Using persistent abstract representations and projectional editors is certainly what language workbenches do, but isn't enough to qualify as a language workbench. To be a language workbench you have be able to define new languages yourself and integrate them into the rest. The UML PIM way of doing this is to use the language extension features built into the UML - stereotypes and their ilk.

In theory there's no reason why a UML PIM system can't be a language workbench. The question is whether using the UML PIM approach is a good way to build a language workbench. Since the approach with UML is to extend the UML in a way defined by the UML, working DSLs with UML more like an internal DSL rather than the integrated external DSLs of a language workbench. In this case you don't need to think of the language workbench trio of schema, editor, and generator - rather you consider how easy it is to extend the UML enough to satisfy your needs.

The problem here is that the UML is a mightily complex language. The extension mechanisms are also quite complex and it's not easy to see how they will work out in practice. It's also not clear how well tools will be able to manipulate these extensions. One particular gray area is that of generation. There is no standard generation standards to define how UML diagrams get interpreted as code. As a result there's no sufficiently precise semantics for the UML. Indeed I've heard UML proponents proud to say that UML has no semantics.

You could use the UML meta-model to define a DSL schema, but here the UML is both too much and too little. The UML includes many elements that you don't need for defining a schema - and it's not clear that it gives you the constructs you need. Furthermore the UML provides nothing to help define editors or generators. For this purpose the UML meta-model is a large, complex beast that doesn't cover the core requirements of a language workbench and adds lots of unnecessary stuff. It's rather like saying we should build a speedboat out of a truck because they both have a steering wheel.

Despite my obvious disdain for this approach there are people doing language workbench work on a UML PIM basis. If you disagree with my assessment of the UML's suitability for this work you should certainly investigate these people further.

The MOF camp

The Meta Object Facility comes out of a separate community within the OMG than the UML and relationships between the MOF and UML camps have often been frosty. The MOF efforts are more tied into the OMG's CORBA work, and much of the driver for MOF came from working with CORBA.

The MOF standard is a standard for meta models of meta models. So you might use MOF as a language for defining the UML meta model. Indeed MOF compatibility of the UML meta-model was a long running issue in UML work. In terms of language workbench the MOF corresponds to a DSL for defining DSL schemas - similar to the MPS structure language. If you look at MOF documentation you'll notice many similar features to what we saw the MPS structure editor. So essentially MOF is (yet another) data modeling meta-model. It's object history also gives it operations, although there's no behavioral modeling mechanisms (unlike UML.)

MOF is much smaller than UML - essentially a subset of the class diagramming part of UML. Since this is exactly the kind of thing you need for DSL schemas - MOF makes a much better fit than UML for this task. Indeed some people propose that MOF would be a good schema for abstract representations, or at least storage representations for a language workbench.

However MOF is still not a perfect fit - operation definitions make sense in the context of remote object interoperability (CORBA) but rather less so than for DSL schemas. So much of the debate about using MOF for DSL schemas turns on the question of how good a fit it really is. Does MOF carry unnecessary baggage or does it miss important elements? I don't have a strong opinion on this, so for me this is an open question.

Rather more to the point, MOF misses anything to speak of editor or generator definitions. Since these are two key elements of a language workbench these are big holes in MOF from a language workbench perspective. The OMG is preparing a standard to address some of this called QVT - Query, View, Transformation. QVT in principle may plug the generator gap - but it's still early in its development.

Where MOF may be useful is as an interchange mechanism between language workbenches for DSL schemas. So it could be useful in that context but it wouldn't be enough to fully interchange DSLs as it lacks the editor and generator pieces. Still it strikes me as a more useful part of the MDA standards world for language workbenches than the bloated UML.

MDA and Standardization

One of the small brush-fires around language workbenches has been criticism of Microsoft for ignoring MDA in its Software Factories effort. A number of people have taken this as yet another case of evil Microsoft ignoring community standards in favor of a proprietary solution.

You'll probably notice that Intentional Software and MPS also ignore the MDA - both of them see the various MDA standards as not really useful for what they are doing. Microsoft's knowledge of MDA is better than most, many members of the Software Factories team have been long time members of the UML community. They've come to the same decision - the MDA standards are just not a good fit for what they want to do.

I think there's very valid reasons for this attitude. Both the UML PIM and MOF camps of MDA can only claim support for standardizing DSL schemas - the equally important elements of editors and generators are utterly ignored. Furthermore the whole thing is backwards. In my view you define standards once you've figured out common elements of working technologies. language workbenches are too immature to be ready for standards yet. I suspect that a standard for DSL schemas could be built on MOF, or at least would look like MOF - if only because these schemas are data models and most of MOF is a data modeling standard. But language workbench tools are still trying to figure out what they need - so any attempt to get a standard together now risks premature standardization.

There are people building tools under the banner of some form of MDA which could be considered language workbenches. I haven't looked at any of these in depth. Such tools should have as good a chance of any as being useful, but it seems that UML or MOF is only going to be helpful for part of such a tool's capability and UML, due to its complexity, could actually be harmful.

All of this isn't to say that UML notation isn't useful for language workbenches. Indeed I think there is some validity in criticizing Software Factories here in that their graphical standards could be closer to UML. For certain types of diagrams, UML-like notation makes a lot of sense. UML (at least in sketching mode) has become moderately well-known. I expect tools will use UML-like diagrams when it makes sense - although they may not follow UML standards absolutely and not use the UML meta model as their abstract representation.

Model Driven Development

As I mentioned above, there is a strand of people who like many of the ideas of using (primarily) graphical models to drive software development, but aren't so keen on the OMG stack of standards. This community is best referred to as the Model Driven Development (MDD) community.

They share a number of common strands with the MDA community. Many of them come out of the CASE tool efforts of the 80's and 90's. They tend to prefer graphical to textual models. The like the idea of editing abstract representations through projecting editors. Many of them support the idea of letting people define their own graphical languages.

In these senses there is a lot of philosophic agreement with MDD and language workbenches. Indeed one can reasonably say that language workbench interest comes from two backgrounds - programming language people and modeling people. The Software Factories team has more of a modeling background.

Not all MDD followers consider it important that people easily define and integrate their own language. For many people in the MDD world, the important thing is defining system in terms of a set of models - there is less priority in coming up with ways to define and integrate multiple DSLs. While mostly a difference of emphasis - it's still an important distinction between MDD and many of the language oriented programming efforts.

There's no particular reason why efforts from the MDD community cannot produce language workbenches. Indeed, other than a (to me irrelevant) argument between graphical and textual languages MDD and language oriented programming share most things. One tendency I've noticed, however, is that MDD people often don't pay serious attention to generators. There's often an attitude amongst modelers that generating code is a trivial implementation issue - once the modeling is done, all the hard work is done. Yet getting the generators sorted out is key to making language oriented programming work, because generators effectively define the semantics of DSLs. The tendency to play down generators is a major reason why so many programmers don't take modelers seriously. The UML communities disinterest in providing any kind of mapping between UML and common target language in any form other than hand waving is a good example of this gap.

Closing Thoughts

I've become known for having a pretty skeptical view of the MDA. Most of this negativity is towards the UML PIM camp - I think the UML is too complex and is too semantically incoherent to act as a serious base for future work. The question in this article, however, is what role the MDA should play in language workbenches?

My answer is “not much”. Certainly there is a need to define effective interchange representations between language workbenches. Without it there is a risk of vendor lock-in which will deter many users and could stunt the usage of language workbenches. However I'm not convinced that the OMG standards are the answer, primarily because they were designed for a different purpose. I take the view that first you need to figure out how to do something, then you should figure out what and how to standardize. The OMG standards might be applicable to some parts of the picture (MOF for schemas spring to mind). But it's too early in the language workbench life-cycle to tell.

Significant Revisions

12 June 2005: First publication.